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Delicious Revolution

Year: 2015-2018

Location: ONLINE

Medium: Podcast, Publications, Community Event

Long-form interview podcast about food, culture and place.  

This project is made possible by

Food First, California Humanities, Eco-Farm, Devon Sampson, La Peña Cultural Center, and many collaborators


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We interviewed people whose expertise in food comes from working with food as farmers, fishers, artists, cooks, activists, scholars, journalists, and more. They spend a large portion of their life thinking about food- what it means, how to make it, how to change the food system, how it ties together societies. The show is composed of in-depth conversations with some of the brilliant people that inspire the ways we think about food.


PuBLicATions And Community Events

Women in the food Movement Panel Discussion: January 18, 2017

La peña Cultural Center, Berkeley Ca.

What is agroecology? What would it take for agroecology to take root in North America?

Video interviews from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)'s second symposium on agroecology, by Devon Sampson and Antonio Roman Alcalá.